Slick Anthology

A video game collection in blog form… a constant work in progress

Gran Turismo

Gran Turismo Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Racing

Release: 5/12/98

Completed: No

Racing games were never my forte, but even I know the Gran Turismo series is one of the most prestigious in the genre. Part of my avoidance to the genre is because I favor arcade racing games like Mario Kart much more than realistic racers such as this. I do think the attention to detail is amazing, and the attempt to make a true racing game, with actual rules of gravity and other Earthly physics applied properly, is a noble endeavor. But I play games to be taken somewhere I can’t otherwise go. These cars are all real, and they don’t do anything strange, like fly, transform into watercrafts when entering a lake, or explode when running over a banana peel. Regardless of all that, Gran Turismo is an iconic series that started here on the PS1.

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Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Gex 3 Deep Cover Gecko Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Action/Platformer

Release: 3/1/99

Completed: No

Somehow this was the last time Gex would star in a video game, despite Deep Cover Gecko being the best selling game in the series. As with the one before this, I have not played the game, but review for the title were favorable (although the aggregate score is the lowest for the series). Honestly, I’m surprised Gex hasn’t returned yet. There are so many games making comebacks and characters being rebooted that I find it hard to believe Crystal Dynamics and Eidos haven’t brought back the green guy. He was once part of Crystal Dynamics’ logo for crying out loud! Here’s hoping we see a new title in the Gex franchise, and that it’s another solid action game, with new pop culture references, funny sayings, and snarky humor.

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Gex: Enter the Gecko

Gex Enter the Gecko Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Action/Platformer

Release: 1/31/98

Completed: No

The first of two sequels to Gex, the talkative reptile’s second outing was also his to be in full 3D. The first Gex featured 3D graphics but was confined to a 2D field of play, similar to Super MarioEnter the Gecko here plunges right into the thick of things at the time and transitions to a 3D plane. The game was praised for it’s gameplay, which is quite the feat for a series’ second outing, and the one that makes that plane shift. Having not played the game I’m not sure if Gex retains his sassy quips, but since it was a staple aspect of his characters I’ll assume he does. It looks like a game that’s still worth playing, just to get the now ancient references to TV shows, movies, and all things cheesy.

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Gex (PS1) Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Action/Platformer

Release: 12/13/95

Completed: No

Oh Gex! The baddest gecko this side of the Geico mascot, Gex is an icon of sorts in the video game world. My first experience with the scaled one was on the PC. My parents picked up the game and thought I’d like it. They were right! I enjoyed the platforming gameplay, smooth animation, and, most of all, Gex’s trademark sassy comments and pop culture references. I can still recall dialogue from the game! The PS1 port is one of the earliest PS1 games made. Also worth nothing, Gex was originally made for the 3DO of all things. Since the 3DO was doomed from the beginning, Crystal Dynamics did the right thing by porting their successful game to damn near every console imaginable. Looking at the cover art here, I never realized it depicts Gex breaking through the actual packing of the game case itself. But what did I suspect from a hero as cool as Gex?

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Gekido: Urban Fighters

Gekido Urban Fighters Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Beat-em Up

Release: 5/18/00

Completed: Yes

Oh man, what a fun game! I have a feeling Gekido flew under a lot of gamers’ radars because it’s not a big franchise game, nor was it released by a big budget company (Interplay would go bankrupt later), but this is a fun one. Four player beat-em ups are nothing new, but Gekido delivers on what it promises: furious four-player fighting. Pulling inspiration from classic side scrolling beat-em ups like Double DragonGekido also has plenty of unlockables and extra game modes to enjoy after the main game is complete. The game isn’t expensive at all, and it’s a fun one to pop in and enjoy for a night or two with your friends. Break out that multi-tap and get cracking!

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Gauntlet Legends

Gauntlet Legends (PS1) Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Hack and Slash

Release: 2/29/00

Completed: No

Though I have not played this version of the game I have played and immensely enjoyed Gauntlet Legends on the Nintendo 64. This version of the game is near identical (sans a few bugs and technical differences), so I think I can speak well of the game. Gauntlet Legends is the greatest example of “simple, yet addictive” gameplay: you just run around killing enemies, mashing buttons, and leveling up. It’s that simple, but there’s something about the game that makes you keep wanting to play. The natural joys of leveling up and growing stronger are indeed a reason, but I think it’s the announcer stating in a booming voice that “Blue Wizard has gained a level” each time you level up that really kept me coming back. The game is best with friends, and since it won’t be  a challenging experience in any way, just have fun with it.
Also note, the sequel, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, is essentially the same game just with more characters and levels.

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Front Mission 3

Front Mission 3 Cover

System: PS1

Genre: RPG

Release: 3/22/00

Completed: No

I was never that into mechs and/or Gundams. Some of my friends were really into the whole “giant robot fighting” scene, but it never really appealed to me. Square’s take with the Front Mission series is supposed to be pretty good, but I wouldn’t know because I’ve yet to play any game in the series. This one here is the first time the game was released in the States, and the sequel Front Mission 4 would later be released on the PS2. The tactical role playing game is growing on me, and I should probably start to look more into the older games, this being no exception.

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Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX Cover

System: PS1

Genre: RPG

Release: 11/14/00

Completed: Yes

My very first experience with Final Fantasy, my first PS1 game I beat, and my first RPG I loved, Final Fantasy IX was and still is one of the best RPGs out there. A love letter to fans of the earlier games in the series (like me!), FFIX was a return to form for the series. FFIX brought back the high fantasy setting, familiar classes like black mage and white mage, and featured a classic story of war, betrayal, and love. I’m going to keep gushing here, because the soundtrack to this game is equally amazing, featuring some of the best music in any game in the series. If you can’t already tell, I simply adore FFIX. You need to play this game. It doesn’t get near as much love as it should. As an RPG fan you can’t do much better than this.

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Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII Cover

System: PS1

Genre: RPG

Release: 9/9/99

Completed: Partially

Some people loved Final Fantasy VIII. I was not one of them. The game isn’t bad, and it’s leaps and bounds ahead of Final Fantasy VII in the graphics department, but I just didn’t like the story at all. Nor did I like the battle system, which takes steps away from the standard format. Squall was a fine hero, but I just didn’t like the game. I think it harkens back to my liking of the high fantasy setting for the series, which is why the sequel Final Fantasy IX was so much better in my opinion.
Interesting thing to note about the date: 9/9/99 was the date the Dreamcast launched! Considering that FFVIII sold incredibly well, I’d say Sony had the right idea releasing this game against Sega’s console launch. Gotta give love to the Dreamcast, but I’m sure this game coming out the same day didn’t help its case.

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Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII Cover

System: PS1

Genre: RPG

Release: 9/7/97

Completed: Yes

Final Fantasy VII was the one game that turned thousands of gamers on to RPGs. A drastic shift in the series, FFVII was and still is one of the best and most recognizable entries in the franchise and in all of RPG-dom. While I liked the machinist take on the series, I still enjoy the high fantasy setting of past games better. That didn’t stop me from shedding a tear or two when a certain character dies in the game! FFVII was also one of the first games I really started to listen and enjoy the music that was playing: the orchestral arrangement of this game is fantastic! While I personally don’t consider it the best in the series, FFVII is still a great role playing game and a totally playable, fun game to this day.

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