Slick Anthology

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Tag Archives: Gundam Battle Assault

Gundam Battle Assault

Gundam Battle Assault Cover

System: PS1

Genre: 2D Fighting

Release: 11/6/00

Completed: Yes

Every kid watches cartoons, and most every boy growing up in the 90s/00s watched a Japanese anime or two. While most watched Dragon Ball Z, many were turned on from there to Gundam. I was one of those kids, falling in love with the drama and action of Gundam Wing. So when I came across a game that combined the battling mechs and 2D fighting, it was a no brainer to purchase the game. And I was not disappointed in the least. The game has a large cast of characters, satisfying combat, and gorgeous visuals! Seriously, this game looks great even to this day. Battle Assault is one of the best Gundam titles out there, and is a great game for fighting game fans as well.

Buy this game from Amazon.