Slick Anthology

A video game collection in blog form… a constant work in progress

Intelligent Qube

Intelligent Qube Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Puzzle

Release: 9/30/97

Completed: Partially

Intelligent Qube is one of the first PlayStation games I played. Well, at lest the demo. I remember playing the game on a demo disc or one of the Jampack disc thingys that came with gaming magazines at a friend’s house. I really liked the simple yet effective visuals: cubes look good on the PlayStation. But what I really liked was the gameplay: there are a certain number of cubes tumbling down a finite platform, and you have to remove specific cubes from the tumbling bunch before they roll off the edge (or you get crushed). The game is strangely addictive. The best thing is that at the end of each game you’re given your IQ. Having a game tell me I’m super dumb is kind of offensive, but it’s a great tool for making me want to play one more time! There have been some pseudo-sequels released since, but I still think the pinnacle of cube-eliminating 3D puzzle games on the PS1 was right here.

Watch my video featuring the game here.

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Incredible Crisis

Incredible Crisis Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Minigame

Release: 11/6/00

Completed: Yes

Every now and then a truly bizarre game will come out of Japan and land on our shores, and Incredible Crisis is one of those games. If the cover didn’t give you a clue, the gameplay and plot sure will. The game follows a traditional Japanese family as they go about their day to day lives. One day, when Grandma asks the family to be home for dinner for her birthday, each family member runs into increasingly ridiculous situations halting them from returning. Things like the son being shrunk down to the size of an insect, the dad entering a malfunctioning elevator, and the mother getting caught up in a bank heist. The gameplay is a simple collection of minigames, but the craziness of it all makes it fun. Overall the game is fairly short but what’s there is worth while and a charming and very odd adventure.

Watch my video review of the game here.

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Hot Shots Golf

Hot Shots Golf Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Sports (Arcade Golf)

Release: 4/1/98

Completed: Partially

The Hot Shots Golf series has been around for a long time, still chugging out games every few years, but it all started here. Hot Shots Golf on the PS1 is a classic arcade gold sim, and one that has pretty much cornered the arcade golf market. The game was made by Camelot, which would go on to create the Mario Golf series of arcade golf games. Between Mario Golf and Hot Shots Golf, I really don’t know of any other arcade golf game. Meaning the two primary entries in the genre were created by the same developers! Craziness, but not so crazy when you look at how fun the game is. Hot Shots here looks a bit bulky and slow today, but it’s still a solid round of golf that’s plenty enjoyable.

Watch my video of Hot Shots Golf here.

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Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Platformer

Release: 7/31/98

Completed: No

A buddy of mine recommended this game, having played it in his childhood and really enjoying it. He described the game as a sort of Oddworld style game. The story seems to be the driving factor for this one, revolving around the boy on the cover and his dog, as the duo go into some crazy, sci-fi adventures. The game was readily available at all the local game shops when I was in college, so it was easy to pick up after I was recommended it.

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Gundam Battle Assault 2

Gundam Battle Assault 2 Cover

System: PS1

Genre: 2D Fighting

Release: 7/17/02

Completed: Yes

If I remember correctly, I picked up this game and the first game on the same day. Both are near identical in gameplay, featuring 2D combat, special moves and combos, and super moves. Of the two, I think I played this one more, because it featured the Gundams from Endless Waltz as well as a Gundam (I can’t recall which) that really played to my liking. Though I only played the game for a few weeks, I really enjoyed my time with it, due again to the wonderful visuals. Battle Assault 2, and the first, for that matter, are great games that aren’t expensive if you buy at the right place. I’d say their worth checking out if you’re looking for a different yet playable fighting game on the PS1.

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Gundam Battle Assault

Gundam Battle Assault Cover

System: PS1

Genre: 2D Fighting

Release: 11/6/00

Completed: Yes

Every kid watches cartoons, and most every boy growing up in the 90s/00s watched a Japanese anime or two. While most watched Dragon Ball Z, many were turned on from there to Gundam. I was one of those kids, falling in love with the drama and action of Gundam Wing. So when I came across a game that combined the battling mechs and 2D fighting, it was a no brainer to purchase the game. And I was not disappointed in the least. The game has a large cast of characters, satisfying combat, and gorgeous visuals! Seriously, this game looks great even to this day. Battle Assault is one of the best Gundam titles out there, and is a great game for fighting game fans as well.

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Guardian’s Crusade

Guardians Crusade Cover

System: PS1

Genre: RPG

Release: 1/31/99

Completed: No

As with The Granstream Saga, I first found out about Guardian’s Crusade by browsing games on GameSpot. I always remembered this one because it has some really lame/boring cover art. It’s just a warrior, with his back turned away from us, watching some pillar of light come from the sky (or perhaps burst from the ground?). It looks kind of like they took one of the in-game cutscenes and adapted it to the cover. If that’s the case I can’t fault the game for advertising exactly what you’ll get if you play. Reviews for this game are actually good, but most cite the game as being on the easy side. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere, and maybe this’ll be the game to turn a younger gamer onto retro RPGs!

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The Granstream Saga

Granstream Saga Cover

System: PS1

Genre: RPG

Release: 6/30/98

Completed: No

One way to become acquainted with games you’ve never heard of is by looking at a game you have heard of, and then looking at games related to that game. I did this frequently on GameSpot’s website, which lists each game on its own page, and then links to a handful of other titles that are similar, usually titles in the genre. That’s how I discovered hundreds of games (especially RPGs) and how I came to find this one. I wouldn’t have known of the game otherwise, but I would venture to guess I could have pegged the title as an RPG from the cover alone. The game is an action role playing game and is supposed to be an alright game overall.

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Grandia Cover

System: PS1

Genre: RPG

Release: 9/30/99

Completed: Partially

I recall reading about Grandia when I first started perusing video games on the internet, specifically via GameSpot. The graphics looked great, the storyline sounded interesting, and the combat sounded like something I’d like, akin to Final Fantasy. I eventually picked up the game from a local used game shop (I believe the now defunct Game Crazy) and was super excited to finally get to play this oft-overlooked gem. And then I played it. It wasn’t bad by any stretch of the term, it just played kind of slow. I think I was so used to faster paced RPGs on the PS2 that my expectations were marred. Regardless, Grandia is a cult classic to RPG fans, and it has spawned several sequels and spinoffs. Complete online auctions sell for as much as the Final Fantasy titles, and it’s a niche, collectible title.

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Gran Turismo 2

Gran Turismo 2 Cover

System: PS1

Genre: Racing

Release: 12/23/99

Completed: No

When the PS1 was in its final months of being relevant and the PS2 was the biggest thing in gaming (AKA 2004), a ton of PS1 games became super cheap at resale shops like GameStop. While I wish these times were still around, the age of PS1 games being abundant to consumers is over. Finding a PS1 game in the wild, even just a loose game, is becoming harder and harder nowadays, and it’s making tracking down even the most common of PlayStation games a chore. Where am I going with this? When I bought Gran Turismo 2 here I picked up one of six or more copies this particular GameStop had in stock, and I paid $1 for it. The game isn’t expensive at all to this day, but I just wanted to share a story on how inexpensive these games were, and how commonplace it was to see them everywhere you went. The good ol’ days…

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